RITUALS WIP: Weaving in Progress

Rogue Platform Space, Rogue Artists’ Studios

Manchester, UK

1st June- 29th July 2024

RITUALS: WIP (Weaving in Progress) was an open studio exhibition of two large scale woven sculptures by visual artist Jenny Steele, including weaving by local Gorton weavers. Part of Jenny’s research, engagement and production project, Rituals for Tomorrow, she explored sustainable ways to use weaving that supports our wellbeing, connection to nature and sense of belonging.

Combining local flora, such as leaves and grasses from Gorton parks and Fallowfield Loop with bright, colourful locally sourced ex industrial yarns saved from landfill, Jenny created a celebratory, festive sculpture upon a 200 year old Lancashire cart. The work references the historic local ritual of the rush cart ceremony, which travelled throughout the streets of Gorton and other Lancashire and Yorkshire towns, uniting the community with nature and its seasons.

Over one month, Jenny taught back strap weaving skills and passementerie techniques to female former members of Gorton Visual Arts group. Weaving and tassels in plants and yarn made by the new Gorton weavers are included in the large woven sculpture upon a 200-year-old Lancashire cart.

The open studio exhibition also provided an opportunity to view the second woven sculpture in progress grow throughout the month, a large semi-circular woven work to be completed and installed on a wooden boat in August 2024 at Art Gene, Barrow, Cumbria, working with a new set of weavers.

RITUALS: WIP (Weaving in Progress) also displayed woven samples, drawings and artworks using plant life and yarn by Jenny Steele, and weaving samples by Gorton weavers, as well as films in progress.

Gorton Weavers are: Jean, Julie, Lucianne Cannavan, Margaret Painter, Pat, Rebecca, Rita Oakley and Sue. With huge thanks for their time and participation.

Rituals for Tomorrow is supported by a Project Grant from Arts Council England.


TASSEL & WEAVE, Rituals for Tomorrow, Online, 2024


A Cast of Characters, 2023